Community Outreach Project

Community Outreach Project

in association with

Van Wijk Street Vet has partnered with Rush Tail Construction to support pet owners who cannot afford or have the means to pay for castration or sterilization of their pets, and in some instances, medical procedures and medicine.

We understand and realize the importance of sterilizing pets in Nelspruit. Ultimately our goal is to decrease the number of unwanted pets in our area, who will more often than not end up in a local shelter. Unfortunately, those animals rarely have a happy ending.

By assisting the less fortunate and castrating/sterilizing their pets for free, we are not only ensuring that all pets have happy homes, but also that those pets will not reproduce.

Since April 2017 our outreach projects has spayed 132 dogs, sterilizes 69 cats, 80 dog castrations and 33 cat castrations.

With the financial assistance of Rush Tail, we could perform the following procedures to help these suffering pets.

Bella – Snake bite & Cherry Eye Surgery

Dit is Bella, sy was die 11de Okt 2018 deur n pofadder gepik. Die van Wyk st veeartse het haar lewe gered want sy was besig om te versmoor. Van die drukking (a.g.v die slangbyt) in haar kop het die traanklier geprolaps en ‘n “cherry eye” ontwikkel wat nie self kon herstsel nie, en dus was chirurgie nodig om hierdie probleem reg te stel. Hulle was altyd uiters behulpsaam en vriendelik. Hulle vra nou nog na16 maande as ons daar kom, hoe gaan dit met Bella.


Boesman – Peritoneal-pericardial diaphragmatic hernia

The Rush tail project saved the life of our son’s best friend Boesman. Boesman unexpectedly fell ill, started vomiting and dehydration started setting in. We knew he had to be taken to the vet, but also knew we did not have the funds as we moved to Nelspruit a few months prior and the move put us in debt which we struggled to repay. My colleague spoke to an absolute angel of a person, Sam Watts, and arranged for us to take Boesman to Van Wijk Street vet and that we can make arrangements to pay back the consultation fees in installments to her. We rushed to the vet and was seen by Dr. Christo which is the most passionate vet I have ever met. Dr. Christo admitted Boesman and treated him for dehydration and said that if he keeps vomiting they will have to take x-rays to check if there is something blocking the cut. At 4pm the afternoon Dr. Christo phoned me informing me that they are taking Boesman into surgery as he kept vomiting and the x-rays showed that the food does not reach the stomach before it is vomited up again, so they need to check what is blocking the gut. Nearly 3 hours later he phoned me back with news that even he could not believe. When they opened Boesman they immediately knew what the problem was, and it was much more complex than a blocked gut, but to them such an exciting case. Boesman had a Peritoneal-pericardial diaphragmatic hernia (PPDH) which is extremely rare in dogs, and was possibly the first and only case they will treat during their career. A piece Boesman ‘s intestines pushed through the hernia and got pinched in the chest cavity. A part of the intestines was lying next to the heart in the pericardium (heart cavity). A piece started to die off so they had to remove the dead intestines, and closed the hernia with stitches. Boesman was on a special diet for a few days, and trying to keep our active lively pup from running was not a easy task, but was vital for the hernia repair to be a success. Shortly after Boesman returned to the healthy active pup he was before the operation. The entire operation was paid for by the Rush tail project and we are ever great full to everyone involved. Without this amazing project there was absolutely no way for us to afford the charges and would most likely have resulted in choosing to take away Boesman ‘ s suffering.


Libby – Snake bite

 I have never written a review, however Van WijkStraat Vet deserves it so much. This practice and their excellent vets, technicians, and all staff in general deserve all recognition for being passionate about our pets and all animals. Libby and her sisters was bitten by a Black Mamba, Dr Christo had an hectic emergengy situation to cope with. We managed to save Libby’s life and with the help of the Rush Tail Project. Thank you so much to all at Van Wijk Straat Vet.


Would you like to get involved as a company?

Would you like to apply for financial assistance?

Terms and Conditions

Total household income must be less than R10,000. Application is subject to approval since there are limited funds available. During lockdown only sick and emergency cases will qualify. Additional T’s & C’s may apply. Contact us at 013 744 1836 for further info.

Nelspruit Pet Sitters & Kennels Directory

Nelspruit Pet Sitters & Kennels Directory

Here is a list of pet sitters & kennels in Nelspruit and White River.

Please note that we do not take any responsibility for these listed here, you use their services at your own risk. They have also not been verified or reviewed by us.

Remember to make sure that your pet’s vaccinations are up to date before leaving them with a pet sitter or at a kennel.

Cattique Cattery – 079 331 2805

Lowveld Pet & House Sitting Agency – 078 702 2201

4Paws Home & Pet Sitting Agency – 082 363 3657

Kayla’s house, pet and babysitting services – 082 791 6900

Dynamique House Sitters – 074 733 0749

Collar Corner Pet Sitting – 082 884 2673

Kennels @ Karino – 081 510 9092

Shamroc Cattery & Kennels – 082 469 2444

Sage Hill Boarding Kennels – 082 518 7242

Panorama Guest Farm Kennels – 082 441 8952

Pro Life Pet Rescue, Rehabilitation and Adoption Agency – 079 498 7971